Cookie policy 2015-07-31T12:33:15+02:00

What is cookie?

A cookie is information that web site which you have visited saves to your computer. Cookies usually store your settings, or the settings for the website. They can store a lot of info including personal information (your name or email address). Also, the website cannot get access to information that you did not give them and cannot access other files on your computer. Cookies are not computer programs, cannot be made as a code and cannot be used to spread viruses.

There are temporary cookies that are removed from the computer and permanent cookies remaining on your computer after you close Internet browser. Websites use them to store information, such as login name and password, so you do not have to sign in each time you visit a certain place. Persistent cookies can remain on your computer for days, months, even years. As for social networks, sharing articles on them demands to set cookies.

By turning off the cookies, you decide whether to allow them to store on your computer or not. The settings for cookies can be controlled and configured in your Internet browser. However, if you disable cookies, you will not be able to use some of the functions on the website.